
A Writers Life – Day two

day two

Day two in my new life as an aspiring ‘out of work’ author, I won’t despair just yet – only been unemployed for a few days lol. You will pleased to know that I have managed to keep my caffeine intake to only three cups. It is a constant struggle…

On the subject of caffeine. I found that Costa (my fav brand – costa if you are reading this – I love your coffee – sponsor me) have a short story competition, the only draw back is that it needs to be submitted by the 3rd August! So, yesterday I started a story but after 1,800 words I realised I had the potential to make a novel out of this one so had to put it to one side. Luckily, as previously explained in blog posts – I have an abundance of ideas (the sleeping part of my brain has just rolled its eyes – yes, yes – I know you are suffering from poor sleep due to my creative side – I will calm down… soon, I promise!) so I picked another and ran with that. Pretty pleased with the outcome – managed to knock out 4,100 words today, so just need to edit it and put it some kind of shape before submitting. If there are any authors reading this – I would like to hear what you do about submissions for short stories to competitions – particularly what you do about editing? Do you get it to the best point you can – do you let someone edit for you?

My day has been mainly taken up with this, I am doing ongoing research on publishers and agents that accept submissions. When I get to the point of submitting my book – I will post the list of the ones I have found. I am still unsure if I should just self-publish, I think I will see if any of the above are actually interested lol.

Also, today. I have heard that my other half has managed to get his work break confirmed so in February we will flying over to New Zealand – so excited!!!!!! It just so happens that book two or three is going to be based here, so really it is research (wonder if I can claim that back on expenses??)

signing off for today. hope you are enjoying the blog. I look forward to the day I can share some news on the competition results and if I manage to get my book published.

My life might be uncertain at the moment but it’s also very exciting. x


4 thoughts on “A Writers Life – Day two”

  1. These days I tend to get stories as polished as I can on my own, when submitting to magazines/competitions, unless my writers’ group is due to meet, at which point I’ll use that as my critique story for that quarter. If you can find a good writers’ group, it can be useful to share work and get feedback.


    1. Thats really useful, thank you. I am intending to join a local writers group – the one i entered the competition for. Like you said, great to get feedback and share ideas.

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