Bucket List, canallife

Just another cruise… Day 313

Thursday 30th May – Day 313

It’s a bright blue day as we crank it along the Paddington Arm and make it to the marina where we top up with fuel. They say it’s good to have a full fuel tank and water tank as it makes the boat more stable on the Thames.

Tank filled, we wind the boat ((Turn the boat)) around in the marina entrance. This is a no, no when boating normally but Clare who sorted the fuel out from the marina said we were okay to do it. It’s a little tricky but we get there in the end and we cruise to find a mooring not too far away where we settle for the night ahead of doing the Camden locks tomorrow. We are about a thirty minute cruise away from the Little Venice facilities which then lead onto the Regent’s canal which will be a new stretch for us. We will aim to get through the locks and to our booked mooring at Islington Eco mooring.

We are certainly glad we booked the moorings in London as we didn’t see one free one until we got far past the other side of Victoria park on this busy stretch and we really didn’t want to moor next to people we don’t know. Day done. Big day tomorrow! x

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