books, canal, Motivation

Day Eight – Stoke – Wednesday 26th July

We were up early and decided to seize the day as we needed some water, so we ((That royal ‘we’ again)) swung the boat out into the river and let the river’s flow gently take us back to the lock area where the water point is. We were surprised how well it worked and we were soon making toast whilst we waited for the water to fill. The lock is right next to a weir so it was important that the river flow or wind, which turns up on the calmest day when you decide to move a boat, didn’t catch us at the wrong time. Our boat is not made for rapids! The time it takes to fill up varies greatly depending on the pressure of the water and how often we fill the tank and obviously the size of each boats water tank but it can be anything from thirty minutes to an hour’s job to fill the tank with water.  

Job done we cruise back to the moorings. We have been the only ones here and other than a few narrowboats cruising past who we think are going to the Riverside Festival in Nottingham we don’t have any neighbour’s on the pontoon which can fit about 3 boats obviously depending on sizes. ((The festival which is not on until another weekend you remember. I tell you what Peachy. Your boat The Plot is so apt for you in so many ways!))

We are going to speak to the lockie tomorrow as I’ve seen on social media that boats have already double moored in the area so our plan of leaving and hanging around Nottingham for a few days might have to be revised. We have nearly run out of time on these moorings but ((I’m here for customer support and complaints if required Peachy)) as far as we are concerned if there is plenty of space for other boats to moor and barely anyone moving on the river then I don’t see a big problem overstaying if needed.

It’s a bit of chilled rest of the day for me as I set myself up on the stern for some writing and reading whilst Chris finally gets his kayak inflated after turning the boat upside down to look for a pipe – you honestly wouldn’t think you’d be able to lose things on a boat but you can.

It’s been lovely seeing all the amazing feedback coming in for Finding Love and Power of Nature, it really makes all those months of hard work worth it and hopefully by the time you’re reading this my books will be in some of the bookshops in Mumbai ((You’ve already mentioned this Peachy!)) I know but it’s exciting!

The promised rain arrives later in evening but after dinner we go just for a little walk in the woods near Stoke lock. It’s so atmospheric walking through the woods – it reminds me of being a kid ((surprised you can remember that far back without having regression hypnotherapy Peachy)) the smell of the rain, trees, plants and damp soil – wonderful.

Cannot believe we have now been cruising a week! Where does the time go? Other than the few issues we have had, it’s certainly been the relaxed start we wanted where we never intended to go too far so we could process this adventure and settle in. We have changed our minds a few times about the direction to go in but think we will probably stay local for winter as we have various things which were pre-booked in August and September so makes sense to be somewhere we know and near train stations.

Right, that’s it for the first week. I hope you’re enjoying the blogs. I was only going to blog for the first few weeks so let me know if you will be sick of them by then or you want me to carry on past that point. x

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