
Day 46 – Friday 1st September – You guessed it…

It’s Friday 8th in the real world. Sorry the blog is late again but my tinternet has been shocking and i’ve not been able to receive a good enough signal to post. Even now it’s not brilliant but here goes… i’ve used an old photo of the boat which is how it looked when we bought it as i couldn’t download one of my photos. The joys of boating 😉

Back in time to a week ago…

Today we managed to get the stove and flue back in place and I cleaned the tiles again and we are happy we decided to keep them. Mostly on this boat we have just renewed and refreshed with only a few things removed or changed drastically, which I would highly recommend if you’re thinking of getting a boat unless you have the skills or a lot of money and patience to get someone else to do it for you!

Earlier Chris gave the stove and flue a lick of paint before we fitted it and we still need to finish some bits on it. We managed to light a fire later that night to make sure the heat could set the cement and we still need to have another fire but it a gazillion degrees with this weird heat wave we are having so no chance at the moment. Then we can give it a final coat once we have sorted out the join between the stove and the flue pipe. Then we just need to clean the outside and buy a new chimney. It never ends! But it means it will be winter ready which is really important.

Earlier whilst we wait for the paint to dry, we wandered out Langley Mill and turned right and a little further up we treated ourselves to wander around Asda! ((Wow Peachy you know how to live life!)) I know right. We also found a load of charity shops to bargain hunt in as well, so result. It really is a great area. If you need to do jobs on your boat this is the place to come. The place we are mooring is just outside the boat yard and we can stay here for 7 days, it has hard standing and you can have deliveries as well as have a car here if you needed so perfect for getting jobs done and in-between that you can watch the kingfisher – what’s not to like!

Once we got back and fitted the fire and stove I ended up missing an online book group with my pals! I’ve been promising to join them but keep missing them to due to either cruising, holidays, boat jobs or a terrible signal. It’s strange as when we embarked on this I thought I would have so much more time and I guess come winter that will change as there won’t be as much daylight for doing jobs. We certainly won’t have all the lights blazing inside the boat. When we used to get nagged as kids to switch the lights off I can see why. If they really want to fix the problem of how much energy people use maybe there ought to be more education about what uses what. ((Or Watt uses Watt?? I’m sure you’ve mentioned this before. When you jump off your soapbox make sure you don’t fall in again! Haha. Couldn’t resist!))

That was it for today but some really good jobs done. We are getting itchy feet ((That will be the mozi bites)) and are ready to get cruising now. It’s been brilliant here at Langley Mill and we feel really at home but we keep hearing news about the low water and possible stoppages so we’ve decided on Monday we are going to attempt to cruise. I’ve said before we need to be at Mercia Marina for Saturday and due to the news about the canal and the fact we don’t want to rush it’s time to finish these jobs for now and get gone!

Right, until tomorrow… x

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