Am writing, canallife, cruising

Writing time and autumnal days…

Monday 6th November – Day 113

This morning I cracked on with my novel as I really need to make some headway with the Jersey story. By the end of the day, I felt like I’d finally made some real progress. I’ve mentioned before that it’s very tricky when you’ve already written a story to try and expand it and add to it and there is always that massive moment of doubt when you think it’s a complete load of rubbish, but then slowly the characters take over and show the way. ((Do you ever wonder if your characters are lying to you?))

In the afternoon we make the most of the clear autumnal skies and wander to the shops nearby. It really is a wonderful time of year as the leaves change colour and you feel the crunch of them beneath your feet; on the non muddy parts of the towpath that is! We intend to cruise tomorrow so need to stock up whilst we can.

I think I mentioned we are on our way back ((for goodness sake. You spend most of your time cruising backwards! How about moving forwards for a change)) We will, we will! I must admit we didn’t expect to be hanging about this area for so long although we have cruised quite a chunk if you look at the map considering we’ve had places to be and things to do.

Right, back to the dinette. Until tomorrow… x

Wordcount: 1,100 : Total: 7,681 ((getting better Peachy!))

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