indieauthors, instagram, jersey, Motivation

I lose my gloves and maybe the plot…

Sunday 7th January Day 169

After spending the morning writing, we decide to head to Gorey on the bus to have a look at a few more places which feature in the book. Researching for a book is a strange affair because you can see something which you think will work really well but it won’t fit for some reason or you’re lucky enough to find a perfect spot for your characters to meet but then the characters are not having it or it doesn’t fit in to the story arc. It’s a tricky old business!

We headed to the bus stop and even though it’s Sunday there are plenty of buses which are all on time and everyone is really friendly. I know it’s a small island but still, the service is very good and it costs £2.25 for a single to Gorey which I would say took about 20-30 mins. You can get offers for day/weekly tickets etc but we have decided to get a car on Tuesday. The weather is turning colder and there are some points of the island which are easier to reach in the car as it’s just a case of me nipping out and getting the feel of the place, taking some pictures etc which will help. I might even take my laptop with me so I can jot it down in the scene. ((ohh, get you being like a proper writer!)) I know right. Although I’m ready to move to the next stage of the book now as I’m sick of rewriting this part ((Should have planned more Peachy. I keep telling you!))

Typically for me I left my gloves on the bus. I am absolutely terrible with gloves. What happens is I take them off and put them in my lap then I forget about them, stand up and then they are gone. I cannot tell you how many gloves I’ve lost. Even these ones I bought when I got to Jersey because I left mine on the boat. ((I despair Peachy. I really do!))

After a wander through a very quiet high street in Jersey where only the sports shops and some food shops were open we then went back to the apartment. I tweaked my knee the other day with that long walk ((So, how does that mean that you end up having a power nap??)) I took some painkillers which I’ve been having anyway for a trapped nerve in my shoulder ((If I had a head, I would shake it!)) anyway, painkillers always make me sleepy.

Nap done, I do some social media and share the new vlog and a subscriber to the channel who recognised me in Mercia Marina – do you remember? He bought us two coffees! So kind. I did check if they were both for me 😉. Sales seem to be going well for my New Zealand book, I suppose with people are thinking of booking a big adventure for the new year.

Day done 😊 x
((Tune in tomorrow for thrilling updates on ‘does Peachy get her gloves back’ and ‘will she finally finish the book.’))

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Murder at the Book Festival by Jane Bettany

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