research, routine, writing, writing goals

SNOW DAY and my writing routine

Tuesday 9th January Day 171

This morning we wake up to snow and apparently, it’s been 10 years since Jersey had proper snow like this! ((It’s totally your fault Peachy!)) We are supposed to be collecting the hire car today but looking at the snow which has already settled and more to come, we decide to cancel and hope we can hire one before we go home as I have places I need to check out for the new book.

As is standard in these situations we get ready and go straight out, because how often do you get to enjoy the snow but also on a beach! It’s cold but bracing morning because at least the gale force winds haven’t returned and we are wrapped up warm as we wander across St Aubins Bay. It’s very odd to see seaweed covered with snow! If you want to see some pics take a look at my Instagram or Facebook page. If anyone isn’t following my author/blogger/reader page it would be great if you give it a follow. I will pop the link at the end. thanks 🙂

The Fregate café which is in the shape of upturned boat is covered in snow, normally when I visit in June, it’s surrounded by blue skies and sunlight and people are enjoying ice-creams. What a difference.

After a walk, we wander back to the apartment and I set to writing and also treat myself to some reading again. I’m reading Trust by Hernan Diaz and I’ve read Part one and now I’m not so sure if I’m going to carry on. I’ve been assured by my book group folk that it’s worth carrying on with so I probably will at some point. The problem as I said yesterday is that I started reading The Drift by C.J. Tudor and that has gripped me so much I might have to finish that first and then go back to Trust. ((First world problems there Peachy!))

I think I read somewhere – possibly in a blog that an author had a routine which involved writing in the morning and then in the afternoon they would set to sorting admin, emails, socials and reading because it’s accepted as a rule that if you’re a good writer then you probably read a lot ((erm… you haven’t been doing so well on your reading the goals the last few years… that explains a few things!)) Oi!

I struggle to have a fixed routine as when we are on the boat we do tend to cruise in the mornings. I must admit though, I prefer to write in the mornings, I think I said last week I struggle to write into the evenings which is a habit I’m glad I’m out of to be honest. Back in the day when I first discovered this strange world of writing books I used to write late into the night, mainly because I was at work all day but it made for a distinct lack of sleep as the story and characters kept my brain alert ((I’m surprised…)) don’t say it Brackets.

There is a lot of information and suggestions out there about when and how you should write. Like writing every day etc and if that’s works for you then brilliant. My writing routine depends on if I’m starting a new novel or editing and I tend to have an intense few days and then have a few days off, simply because I’m doing other things but of course I do blog most days so that’s still writing. ((And let’s face it most of what you say is fiction as no-one can be actually sure you’re remembering it correctly!)) Day done. x

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