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Money, business and laundry ((But not money laundering!))

Wednesday 10th January Day 172

The snow has more or less disappeared now so we book the car hire for tomorrow with fingers crossed the weather will be kind. The sun is shining and we tackle the many steps up to Fort Regent which has amazing views of St Helier, Elizabeth Castle and St Aubins Bay then we decide we deserve a treat and head to a coffee shop ((Wait a minute… are you spending the cash from the coffees you’ve had bought for you?!)) no I’m not – that money is all being saved so I can upgrade my website to a business website so then I can sell signed copies of my books.

Also, part of our long-term financial plan is to trade from the boat at festivals so I’m going to start creating branded items. This will include notebooks, pens, jigsaws, bookmarks and anything else which goes with the theme of The Plot/writing etc. ((Are you forgetting something… my fans will not be left wanting!)) Yes, there will be some promotional ‘Brackets’ items, I just have to decide how I’m going to create the logo’s etc but that is a job for another day.

Thoughts of going home are being discussed and all the jobs we want to do when we get back. It’s going to be very cold the first week back so it might involve getting the shower room walls sanded and the area near the kitchen finally sorted. For anyone who has seen the YouTube tour ((Peachy will add below)) you will see what needs doing. We have also decided we are going to buy a washing machine and replace the twin tub. I love the twin tub but now we are more tow path liveaboards we think it makes sense. The boat had one when we bought it so all the plumbing is ready to go. At the time we got rid of it as we needed the space and also had access to the laundry room with free tokens as part of our rent in the marina.

Now we have to pay to use the marina’s ones or a laundrette, not only is it sometimes physically hard work to carry all the washing ((Well, you’re both old and judging by your blog actually falling apart!)) Exactly. Also it can be between £7.50 – £15 for a wash and dry and that cost soon mounts up. The twin tub is great but not for towels and bedding. It does mean we will have to rethink where we have the rubbish bin. It’s all a compromise when living in a small space. Actually if anyone has a washing machine for sale or wants to buy our Twin Tub then let me know. Ideally we will need to get the new one by end of Feb and sell the old one whilst we are still at the marina and it’s easier to get deliveries etc.

Youtube Vlog

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