beachlife, editing, jersey, walking, youtube

Carless again, beach walks and a trip to the pub…

Saturday 13th January Day 175

It’s up early as we have to return the car by 10 am and need to drive to the airport. We collect the car from the carpark and then head to St Brelades Bay which is yet another stunning beach in Jersey. It’s one I often come to with my friends but it’s normally sunny, unlike the frosty cold morning today but it’s still beautiful. Winter can be such a hard season people who suffer from SAD and struggle with the darker nights. I find them difficult sometimes but winter is too long and I’ve tried over the years to embrace it and enjoy the cosy side of being indoors. Chris finds it a lot harder than me ((That’s because he’s stuck inside with you more! Poor bloke)) I always have something to do and I’ve said before although love getting out and about I’m a home body at heart so give me a jigsaw, a book, writing, vlogging, blogging, freelance work, it’s why I take all these things on, because I like to be busy.

Anyway, car returned and again so easy. Then we wait and catch the double decker bus from the airport back to St Aubins bay and a walk back from there. It’s a very bracing cold morning but exhilarating to be walking on the beach and finally we are back to the apartment for some writing for me and there may or may not have been a powernap involved before heading for our first visit to the pub as we meet some of my Jersey pals for a good old chin wag and I tap them for information as they have all done the Jersey Itex Island Walk ((Oh right, I understand. Even trying to pretend that going to the pub is actually work. I do not believe you)) After a pleasant few hours we grab some noodles for tea and that’s yet another day done and we are coming to the end of our Jersey adventure. Day done. x

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