Patreon, thriller

Ladies that lunch… Day 202.

Friday 9th February Day 202

Today I’ve been invited to join the ‘ladies that lunch’ and two of them are Patreons of my YouTube channel and big supporters of my books. ((One is your mum, the other is Sandra my number One Fan – Hi Sandra!)) Hey, stop having favourites again!

We have a lovely natter and the hours tick by as we tuck into our food. My mum threatens me once again about publishing my psychological thriller and I promise I’m working on it – I was making notes on the train after all! ((actually you were. I’m liking the new ideas for it.)) thanks Brackets, I’m glad I’ve waited so long to get this one ready to publish. Sandra very kindly treats us to lunch – thank you again! Very spoilt ((Too spoilt. I notice I wasn’t invited!)) That’s because… I was going to say you’re not real but then I would get in trouble. ((How dare you! Sandra… tell Peachy!)) I do often wonder what the heck new people think when they start reading this blog!

Once home the rest of my family who live nearby pop around and we start a game of Zombicide. We have played games ever since I can remember. It’s where my love of writing came from and the imagination as we used to play Dungeons and Dragons and every other game we could find. Day done. Until tomorrow. x
((Down to me again. If you would like to sign up to be a Patreon and have the utter joy of going to lunch with Peachy one day – personally, I couldn’t think of anything worse but here is the link… Join here as a free Patreon for limited access or subscription for content before everyone else.))

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