authorlife, New Job, publishing, self doubt

Working from our narrowboat… funny where life takes you. Day 206

Tuesday 13th February Day 206

Well, I was doing so well and then last night I had a terrible night’s sleep. ((Stop moaning. Get on with it!)) I am. I’ve taken on some freelance admin work for Newark Book Festival. Regular readers will know I’ve worked in many different roles for the festival and I’ve been a board member for a number of years. ((Boring… oh sorry board. My mistake)) This seems a great way to get some money back into the bank after all the work we have done on the boat. Working when not having an address for a fixed amount of time is very difficult ((Especially when you’re on ‘research trips’ all the time!)) and it’s great to be back involved with the festival – although keeping secrets about the wonderful authors we have coming this year is difficult!

Working with the festival has brought back memories ((Wow you’ve remembered something!)) I originally delved into the freelance world in January 2020 ((OH DEAR!)) yes, you can see where this is going! So there’s me all fired up working for the book festival which gave me the freedom to work on my writing and try and get a publisher and then the pandemic hit! What a baptism of fire that was – I’d never worked in the arts sector before so learning all that and then we ended up having to move the festival online rather than in person because of covid restrictions was a challenge. Also, because I’d just registered as self-employed I wasn’t entitled to any grants. I also had an agent interested in my psychological thriller ((which you still need to publish!)) but due to the big changes Covid brought about this didn’t go ahead. It was a stressful time but as with all these things in life, I learnt a lot, met a lot of people and they say everything is for a reason right? Here I am, four years later with a publisher, lots more books published, a YouTube channel – this was something I thought I would never do as I’ve never liked being on camera and lot more firm friends made from all these ventures. It’s funny where life takes you.

Anyway, it’s onto the dinette to crack on with some work so that’s it for today. Day done. Until tomorrow. x

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