authorlife, boat, cruising

Our longest cruise and muddy towpaths! Day 256

Wednesday 3rd April Day 256

We are up early and cranking it by 8am and it’s our longest cruise to date. It is a very changeable day but generally drizzly. I make the massive mistake of deciding I’m going to start my exercise plan of walking some of the tow paths but honestly with all the rain lately, they are just a mud bath. On a number of occasions I nearly sank up to the top of  my wellies and had to hold onto the hedgerow just to stop myself sinking or falling in the canal – it’s certainly an invigorating walk! ((If only you’d fallen in – that would have made for good YouTube content. I think you need to start giving people what they want!))

Once i’m back on the boat we have a quick stop for lunch and enjoy some very tasty egg butties – made with salad cream rather than mayo ((Thanks for clearing that up!)) and then its cranking it again until we get to Springwood Marina where we fill with diesel and Chris buys the oil and filter he needs to service the boat. Now we are getting plenty of miles on the clock it’s important to keep on top of everything.

We return to our previous mooring at Atherstone top lock and its day done after a walk into Atherstone to get essential supplies.

Miles: 13 ((thirteen!!!! Wow – that’s your longest cruise yet!)) I know!
London bound… 27/198 cruising miles   0/174 Locks

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