authorlife, canallife, routine

Here comes the rain. Day 286

Friday 3rd May – Day 286

The promised rain arrived at about 4am this morning and as the rain battered the roof it was one of those downpours which just when you think it cannot get any heavier, it does. I got up in the end to check for leaks – as you will know if you’ve been reading this adventure ((You deserve a medal!)) we have suffered many leaks; especially from the duck hatch but hurrah, there is nothing so it’s back in bed and try and get some sleep.

I really want to have a few days off as it’s Chris’s birthday this weekend so I crack on with the blogs, vlogs and book festival works once i get up and other than sneaking in a bit of a walk around the lovely local park, I don’t switch off my laptop until 8pm! My eyes were well and truly achy and sore, so it’s an early night as tomorrow we are off to pick up our hire car in Milton Keynes. Day Done. Until tomorrow. x

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