Am writing, canal, cruising, inspiration, narrowboats

Birthday celebrations. Day 288

Sunday 5th May – Day 288

It’s Chris’s birthday today and so I treat him by making a veggie brekkie ((Are you sure that’s a treat… you’re cooking and all that!)) and then we set off for a car cruise as it’s a perfect day – blue skies with a smattering of clouds and about 19 degrees. Wonderful.

We visit some lovely areas as we cruise around making the most of having a car. It’s a quick trip to the pub for a celebration birthday drink. We decide not to go out for a meal as we enjoyed a nice meal out yesterday and with the cost of eating now even for something simple working out at about £50, we decide to use that towards the fuel and return to the boat and I make us some homemade pizzas ((Poor Chris are you trying to finish him off on his birthday)) then its onto the stern with a drink because why spend money going out when we already have the perfect view and location.

Day done. Week done. The next two weeks are going to busy in a nice way as I need to get my Jersey book edited and sent back to my publisher so we are on track to publish in June ((Leaving it a bit late Peachy and i’ve already told everyone this!)) I know, but hey ho that’s how some things work. I also need to get as much as my freelance work done as possible as I want a proper week off ((A week off?? From what exaclty!)) I’m ahead with my vlogs now and the blogs I can only upload as you know the drill – I’ve got to live it to write it. Thanks for reading 😊 x

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