
What’s happened to the chocolate Ovaltine? Day 289

Monday 6th May – Day 289

((what kind of a title is that? Are you actually losing the plot?)) It’s the last day with the car today and we are ready to cruise. It’s been really nice having a few days with only a little time on the laptop and my eyes feel better for it. In the morning, we head to Bedford as we have never been there before and park up near the river, which we only just realised we will travel along one day when we come this way. We treat ourselves to a coffee as we watch the world go by and people running up and down the riverside.

Afterward it’s a visit to Home Bargains ((Oh you know how to live Peachy!)) it really is a treat when you move around and don’t always have access to these shops for bits and bobs. We also visit Tesco and Asda to fill the boat with shopping whilst we only have to carry it from where we have managed to park the hire car, in a safe residential area about three minutes from the boat. We have to try about three shops before I managed to track down some chocolate Ovaltine ((I really don’t know why I associate myself with this blog anymore!)) It’s a drink i really like, but it has to be the chocolate one. Sometimes it can be a nightmare to find – i suspect there are lots of secret drinkers out there!

After lunch we return to the boat and I spent a few hours at the dinette sorting out my storage on my laptop as I’m running out of room creating the vlogs for YouTube. I also sort a lot of other faffy things to do with the PC which every time I switch on my laptop I mean to do, but never get around to it’s a job well done.

Then that’s about the day done. Until tomorrow. x

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