vlogger, Working from home, youtube

Cruising the Grand Union Canal – Day 291

Wednesday 8th May – Day 291

Another sunny day as we set off early to cruise this lovely stretch of the Grand Union and tackle 7 locks and cruise for 9 miles which is a long cruise for us but we want to tick off the miles as much as we can whilst the weather is nice in our bid to get to London.

We moor up for lunch and then I do some work on the Newark Book Festival website – the website and tickets for the events are live now if you want to have a look. It’s been fab teamwork to get it to this point.

When we arrive at a set of three locks there were loads of lockies on, so I only have to open one gate and they did all the rest ((You’re so jammy with the locks)) some of the volunteers were training ((I hope you listened so you know what to do?)) Listen I’ve probably done about 200 locks since we’ve had the boat ((And you still don’t know what you’re doing – unbelievable!)) but i will admit i listened to some of the advice re opening certain paddles in a way to keep the boat more stable in the lock.

More cruising and more locks and we get to the point we’ve had enough as it’s been a long, hot day and we’d hoped to moor up earlier but couldn’t find anywhere to moor. Finally, after cruising about another mile we moor up in the shade. We cruised past Danni and Joe’s and Robbie Cummins narrowboats who are fab channel boat YouTubers! We did see Robbie and later he walked past our boat but we decided not to bother him as I can imagine sometimes he might need some time to himself!

Cruising: 9 miles / 7 lock
London bound totals: cruising miles 133/198 Locks: 127/174 Tunnels: 6 Swing Bridge: 1

Visit the website to find out more! Newark Book Festival

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