Am writing, freelance, jersey, Lone Working, writing goals, youtube

We cruise in a car! Day 287

Saturday 4th May – Day 287

It’s up early and we leave the boat about 8am to wander to the car hire company. Milton Keynes really is a beautiful green area. The main shopping area isn’t for me as it seems a bit soleless, but each to their own. The surrounding green areas certainly make up for it.

By 9am we are on the road. It always feels strange to have a car, we don’t really miss having a car and a couple of days is just enough. We drive to Newark to have a birthday lunch with Chris’s folks which is really nice catch up and food. Whilst we were there one of their neighbours who watches our vlogs left us some coffee and money for more coffee! ((What? Oh God, you’re going to be insufferable now. Especially as you were ‘recognised’ the other day as well and people keep complimenting you on your boat! It’s a good job these blogs are stopping soon!)) it was very kind and we were really touched by the gesture. It gives us a little hope that maybe we might actually make this new adventure work. If we don’t get enough subscribers by Christmas then I think we will probably have to stop the vlogs as I cannot justify 20-30 hours it takes to create each one each week if it’s not financially viable. ((I’m sure YouTube are shaking in their boots that their profits will plummet!))

Meal done, we drive to Derby so Chris’s can visit some of his friends and I visit mine and my friend very kindly dyes and cuts my hair for me. I cannot dye it on the boat as I don’t want the chemicals to go into the water. ((Oh I wish I’d have known. I would have paid her to dye it green like Grotbags!)) I used to love watching Grotbags! Socialising done. it’s back to the boat we enjoy a few drinks on the stern and day done. Until tomorrow. x

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