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Swinging and grinding kinda day – Day 290

 Tuesday 7th May – Day 290

((Seriously have you been drinking this week – what are all these random titles about?)) The sun is shining and what a day to get cruising again. Chris returns the car to the hire company whilst I crack on and get some freelance work done as I want to be outside and enjoying this cruise, especially as I haven’t cruised this stretch before and the sun is out! I mean, the actual sun!

First up, we cast off and stop at the services for emptying the elsan and filling with water etc and then coffee made, washing machine on and it’s off we cruise and what a delightful cruise it is, as the sun treats us to one of those special days. This stretch is beautiful and we bask in the glory of such a wonderful life.

We arrive at our only lock of the day and it’s a bit of an optical illusion as we cannot work out what’s going on. I jump off to go and see what’s happening and it turns out there is a swing bridge in the middle of the lock! So, the boat will not fit into the lock until the swing bridge has been opened. There are few people watching and loitering at the lock and a pub next to the lock but thankfully not many people properly gongoozerling.

I wander over and soon work out it’s pretty simple to operate ((just like yourself)) – there is a handle to pull which releases the mechanism, then it’s just a case of pushing it open so Chris can bring the boat in. We then close the lock gates, let the water out. It doesn’t take much as there isn’t a great deal of difference in the levels. Then it’s gates open, boat out and then I push the swing bridge back and job done. This is the second swing bridge I’ve tackled as we had one when we left the Trent and onto the Coventry but never one inside a lock.

We carry on a bit further but decide to find a spot to moor and Chris starts the horrid job of renovating the gas locker. Luckily, it turns out it’s not as bad as he thought so we take everything out and cleaned out all the mess and then whacked it with a hammer to get off all the loose rust, then a bit of grinding ((This blog post is bordering on obscene)) then the rust protector goes on ((At least there is some protection!)) and it’s a job well started for now.

The sunshine is wonderful and we make the most of the first night of having the chairs on the towpath as it’s finally dry enough to enjoy it. Day done!

Cruising: 6 miles / 1 lock which included a swing bridge
London bound totals: cruising miles 124/198 Locks: 120/174 Tunnels: 6 Swing Bridge: 1

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