canallife, Motivation, narrowboats, vlogger, youtube

Feeling hot, hot, hot… Day 292

Thursday 9th May – Day 292

Wow, today was hot, very, very hot! It was nice and cool in the morning when we decided to walk to the bridge where the Great Train Robbery took place. It funny how you cannot help but want to look at these things. It’s just a normal train bridge which had something happen here in the past. I thought Chris was going to take us on one of his wild goose chases as we went off the canal, along a field, over a very busy road to the bridge. Pics taken, some filming done and it’s  back to the boat, untie the ropes and off we go again.

Instead of sneaking in the boat to work because of the rain, I sneak in the boat to get out of the sun. It is relentless. ((Always moaning!)) Give me a nice 19 degrees and cloud any day of the week! Even though it’s only four miles we have eight locks and some of them are difficult with the full force of the sun with no shade ((Hope you remembered your suncream!)) today I did!

I haven’t done much filming on this stretch. I did get ahead with my vlogs again and decided since I was busy with other things I didn’t want to be do film so much so the vlog covering this stretch of a few weeks will probably just be one vlog. Hopefully when we come up again we will vlog the bits I missed, although I think as I mentioned at some point ((Not sure if you did Peachy)) if we don’t get more subscribers to the channel then I will probably stop them in winter as I cannot justify 20-30 of editing per week, especially when we will likely to be working off the boat, so I don’t think people will be that interested in that side of life!

I love doing all the blogs and vlogs but unfortunately they don’t bring me an income, so unless I win the lottery they will have to stop with maybe the odd vlog here and there but we will see how the rest of the year goes. I’ve not given up yet on them yet! It would help if you lovely people who watch them could like the vlogs or make a comment – it’s helps to send the vlog up an algorithm or something and then our channel will get recommended to more people! ((Please don’t do this. Think of the poor people subjected to watching Peachy forget everything))

Cruising: 4 miles / 8 lock  / 1 swing bridge
London bound totals: cruising miles 131/198 Locks: 134/174 Tunnels: 6 Swing Bridge: 2
YouTube Channel – Watch our narrowboat adventures here and subscribe – it’s free!

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