blogger, canallife, writing

Blogging, writing and canal life.

Saturday 4th Nov – Day 111

We have a nice relaxed late morning lay in ((Due to the alcohol consumed! And late morning Peachy means 1pm)) I watch a bit of Peaky Blinders in bed before we fill ourselves with a veggie sausage and onion sandwich and tackle the unit to put the new feet on. As you can imagine the whole boat in an absolute tip as we have to move everything out and then I decide to also give the kitchen a really good clean. But hey ho, by then end of the day we have sorted it, put everything back and the boat is looking fab.

I sit down to update this blog as I need to get my wordcount in and I’m not quite ready to get started on the novel my publisher has now sent me. It’s not straight forward as I have to read the edit notes and the amend and add as I go along which takes a bit more thought ((50,000 words woohoo)) Wow, you’re right Brackets. I’ve just past 50,000 words on this blog since I set off on Wednesday 19th July! ((Tell you what, your year in a life living on the canals is going to take some editing when this is only 4 months into a 12 month adventure! Good luck with that Peachy!)) I think I will need it. Do you think I waffle too much?((Saying not one thing!))

Tomorrow we are hoping to cruise to Stafford. It’s funny really that you get the feeling to move. Apparently, there is some link to the canals with Chris’s family which we will have to find more about so maybe it is like coming home to him. I never thought I would live on a boat but I’ve always been up for adventure!

Wordcount: 844 total: 5,549 ((Is that all?? You have literally had all day!)) Yeah I know but I have editing and stuff today which takes up the time. ((I suggest you get on with if you’re going to have a few days off next week to see friends!)) Yes Boss!

Until tomorrow… x

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