Am writing, Anxiety, books, mentalhealth, Motivation

I have a ‘creative’ tantrum!

Friday 24th November Day 125

We wander into Stone to get some supplies before I suggest Chris goes out for a bit so I can crack on with my writing. I really am so behind with NaNoWriMo. It’s weird really as I always manage to achieve my target but I’m not sure I will this year! Although I will try not to give myself a hard time as I have made good progress and sorted out some key areas on the plot. We will also be in the marina next Friday so that will mean much more writing time as we won’t be cruising. ((yeah keep lying to yourself Peachy))

The problem is I’m getting older and it’s just not as easy to pull those late nights. Also living on a boat means a different way of living. If I stay up late it means that I use electric and sometimes we just don’t have enough power to do that. ((Oh yeah tell us another one. It’s just an excuse to go to bed early!)) ssshhh.

Today I have to also get the promotional 1 minute video done for my publisher for Power of Nature. Now you would think I would be able to do easily wouldn’t you? But no, no, no. ((Tell them about your tantrum)) I don’t mind admitting that I nearly cried into the dinette. It’s one thing to write a book it is a totally different set of skills to promote yourself and any author will tell you that the ‘elevator pitch’ ((This is where you basically pretend you’re in a lift with someone and have the time it gets to the next level to persuade someone to buy your book)) I’m terrible at this, absolutely terrible. If you watch my YouTube channel you know what I’m like for forgetting things so trying to even create a 1 minute flawless promotion is so hard. I think I finally did it after perhaps 30 tries and much screaming and having many words with myself. It was annoying because I had the boat to myself so really wanted to focus on my word count for the Jersey book but if I want to make an income from my books then this is what I have to do. It’s totally out of my comfort zone but necessary. Same as the YouTube videos, anyone who knows me, knows I’m the first one to hide from a being video’d and again it’s something I’ve had to learn to get comfortable with because it’s hopefully another possible income stream.

Anyway, I finally got it done and then cracked on with some writing. I feel like I’m pulling teeth with this book. I’ve re-read and re-written the first third of the book so many times I’m sick of it but that’s my own fault because I cannot plan novels. I’ve tried but I cannot do it. I do manage to get a bit done so by the end of the day I feel like I’ve used the time well.

Day done. Until tomorrow… x

Word count: 1,148  Total: 28,682

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