boat, narrowboats, offgrid

Getting the boat ready to go away!

Wednesday 27th December Day 158

Today consists of doing jobs and getting the boat ready which basically means eating lots of food as we are defrosting the fridge/freezer before we go as there is no point in having it running and using electric whilst we are away and it was due a defrosting so worked out well ((OMG this is so boring. I mean imagine someone reading this in hundred years’ time. It will probably be standard reading matter for anyone who is struggling to get to sleep.)) Look I’m just trying to show what boat life is like okay? Usually when we left the house to go on holiday we wouldn’t defrost the freezer; living on a boat makes you more energy conscious. I mentioned before that if they really do want to change people’s energy usage it’s not just about increasing the prices to make it unaffordable it’s about education of how much electric appliances use. Why have your fridge/freezer running 24/7 when away? Doesn’t make sense paying for something you’re not using. ((Alright Peachy get off your soapbox)) I’m not trying to be preachy just showing some of the difference between land and boat life.

Anyway, we are hoping we have done enough so we return to the boat in the same condition we left it with no leaks and no damage to anything inside the boat! It doesn’t help we’ve had all this dodgy weather ((It’s called winter!)) and there are massive floods in the UK whilst we are away!

I cannot help myself and decide to start on one of my jigsaws which was a Christmas present and then in the afternoon do a pre-pack where we realise we don’t have much room for anything since we can only take a rucksack so have to do a bit more sorting.I have to take my laptop as i need to work ((Work… saying nothing)).

Until tomorrow. x

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