Am writing, beachlife, blogger, editing, inspiration, jersey, mentalhealth, Motivation, publisher, reading, writing goals, youtube

Jersey adventures… Day 170 – 176 – Mon 8th Jan – Sun 14th Jan

Monday 8th January Day 170

It’s another morning writing and then a walk along the harbours towards Havre de pas but first I pop in to the bus station to try and retrieve my gloves as it’s cold… and low and behold, they are there – thank you kind bus driver! ((You’re well jammy you are!)) They are well needed as it’s a very cold day and snow is forecast tomorrow although apparently it rarely snows on Jersey. ((That will be your fault Peachy!)) I think we have had every kind of weather whilst we have been here. It’s nice that the gale force winds have finally left and the driving rain. I will take cold and crisp day any day of the week. The wind was so strong it nearly took us off our feet the other day so not nice to walk in and explore the island.

Other than a walk, writing and blogging it’s a quiet day as come the afternoon it’s a bit too cold to brave another walk and we have to be kind to our old bodies. I crack on with a bit more reading once all the work is done in order to reach my reading target this year so settle down to carrying on with The Drift by C.J.Tudor – what a book!

What’s everyone else reading/listening to at the moment and do you have any reading goals for 2024? ((I’ve got one?)) Oh yeah, dare I ask? ((Well, my goal is about reading less nonsense really…)) Yeah, yeah I know exactly what you’re going to say!

I’m keeping a tally of my books on Goodreads so if you have an account and want to chat or keep a record of your books – Click here Day done x

Tuesday 9th January Day 171

This morning we wake up to snow and apparently, it’s been 10 years since Jersey had proper snow like this! ((It’s totally your fault Peachy!)) We are supposed to be collecting the hire car today but looking at the snow which has already settled and more to come, we decide to cancel and hope we can hire one before we go home as I have places I need to check out for the new book.

As is standard in these situations we get ready and go straight out, because how often do you get to enjoy the snow but also on a beach! It’s cold but bracing morning because at least the gale force winds haven’t returned and we are wrapped up warm as we wander across St Aubins Bay. It’s very odd to see seaweed covered with snow! If you want to see some pics take a look at my Instagram or Facebook page. If anyone isn’t following my author/blogger/reader page it would be great if you give it a follow. I will pop the link at the end. thanks 🙂

The Fregate café which is in the shape of upturned boat is covered in snow, normally when I visit in June, it’s surrounded by blue skies and sunlight and people are enjoying ice-creams. What a difference.

After a walk, we wander back to the apartment and I set to writing and also treat myself to some reading again. I’m reading Trust by Hernan Diaz and I’ve read Part one and now I’m not so sure if I’m going to carry on. I’ve been assured by my book group folk that it’s worth carrying on with so I probably will at some point. The problem as I said yesterday is that I started reading The Drift by C.J. Tudor and that has gripped me so much I might have to finish that first and then go back to Trust. ((First world problems there Peachy!))

I think I read somewhere – possibly in a blog that an author had a routine which involved writing in the morning and then in the afternoon they would set to sorting admin, emails, socials and reading because it’s accepted as a rule that if you’re a good writer then you probably read a lot ((erm… you haven’t been doing so well on your reading the goals the last few years… that explains a few things!)) Oi!

I struggle to have a fixed routine as when we are on the boat we do tend to cruise in the mornings. I must admit though, I prefer to write in the mornings, I think I said last week I struggle to write into the evenings which is a habit I’m glad I’m out of to be honest. Back in the day when I first discovered this strange world of writing books I used to write late into the night, mainly because I was at work all day but it made for a distinct lack of sleep as the story and characters kept my brain alert ((I’m surprised…)) don’t say it Brackets.

There is a lot of information and suggestions out there about when and how you should write. Like writing every day etc and if that’s works for you then brilliant. My writing routine depends on if I’m starting a new novel or editing and I tend to have an intense few days and then have a few days off, simply because I’m doing other things but of course I do blog most days so that’s still writing. ((And let’s face it most of what you say is fiction as no-one can be actually sure you’re remembering it correctly!)) Day done. x

Wednesday 10th January Day 172

The snow has more or less disappeared now so we book the car hire for tomorrow with fingers crossed the weather will be kind. The sun is shining and we tackle the many steps up to Fort Regent which has amazing views of St Helier, Elizabeth Castle and St Aubins Bay then we decide we deserve a treat and head to a coffee shop ((Wait a minute… are you spending the cash from the coffees you’ve had bought for you?!)) no I’m not – that money is all being saved so I can upgrade my website to a business website so then I can sell signed copies of my books.

Also, part of our long-term financial plan is to trade from the boat at festivals so I’m going to start creating branded items. This will include notebooks, pens, jigsaws, bookmarks and anything else which goes with the theme of The Plot/writing etc. ((Are you forgetting something… my fans will not be left wanting!)) Yes, there will be some promotional ‘Brackets’ items, I just have to decide how I’m going to create the logo’s etc but that is a job for another day.

Thoughts of going home are being discussed and all the jobs we want to do when we get back. It’s going to be very cold the first week back so it might involve getting the shower room walls sanded and the area near the kitchen finally sorted. For anyone who has seen the YouTube tour ((Peachy will add below)) you will see what needs doing. We have also decided we are going to buy a washing machine and replace the twin tub. I love the twin tub but now we are more tow path liveaboards we think it makes sense. The boat had one when we bought it so all the plumbing is ready to go. At the time we got rid of it as we needed the space and also had access to the laundry room with free tokens as part of our rent in the marina.

Now we have to pay to use the marina’s ones or a laundrette, not only is it sometimes physically hard work to carry all the washing ((Well, you’re both old and judging by your blog actually falling apart!)) Exactly. Also it can be between £7.50 – £15 for a wash and dry and that cost soon mounts up. The twin tub is great but not for towels and bedding. It does mean we will have to rethink where we have the rubbish bin. It’s all a compromise when living in a small space. Actually if anyone has a washing machine for sale or wants to buy our Twin Tub then let me know. Ideally we will need to get the new one by end of Feb and sell the old one whilst we are still at the marina and it’s easier to get deliveries etc. Day done x

Thursday 11th January Day 173

Finally, we get the car and are up early and to the bus station to catch the number 15 to the airport to collect the car. I don’t know about you but I love going on double decker buses. You can see so much ((You mean, nosey in peoples homes and gardens!)) What a journey this turns out to be. There is a guy having a full on conversation on his phone about how he wants his mate to lend him the money to buy him a strip of Viagra because he’s having a few problems, probably due to the ecstasy he’s taking! I mean would you have that kind of conversation so everyone could hear? He was on his way for a job interview. He also then went on to say how he got put away for witness intimidation but said he had mental health problems so got off with a lighter sentence! ((wow!)) I know right, not the kind of conversation I’ve ever heard anyone have in Jersey! I’ve said it before and i will say it again, be careful what you say in the public domain because a writer might be listening. ((and if it’s a writer who can actually remember things then you’re really in trouble!))

It’s the easiest car hire we have ever had. We paid £17 for fuel, got given the keys and told not to worry about anything, we are fully covered and enjoy ourselves! The car hire cost £77 for 2 days so £94 including fuel which is a very reasonable. To drop off, we just park it back in the car hire place and put the keys in a key drop box. Could not be easier. Very impressive.

Then it’s off we go with butties made to save some pennies for the full island tour stopping off at various locations i need to check for my book. I’m not sure when the Jersey vlog will go out but there are pics on Instagram. We stop off at a few places which are in the book but plan to visit the main dramatic scene in the book tomorrow.

We arrive back to the apartment around 4.30pm which is about the time it goes dark and park the car in the carpark across the road from the apartment. Its free between 6pm-8am and then only £1 per hour. We intend to be up early tomorrow for our last full day with the car.

Great day and really nice for Chris to get to see the island properly. This is what we normally do when on holiday ((HA got you! You said it was a research trip!! You weren’t fooling anyone.)) whatever! It’s a brilliant way to explore somewhere and we enjoyed our butties parked up in layby overlooking the sea and the lighthouse. Jersey has so absolutely stunning places to visit and even on dreary days the sea is always that lovely green/blue.

Day done and looking forward to tomorrow. x

Friday 12th January Day 174

Today is a fab day. It’s a bit cloudier than yesterday so we don’t get the lovely sun reflecting off the sea but it’s still lovely. We visit Portelet beach which is very easy to go down and a bit of killer on the old legs walking back up. We have the beach to ourselves and enjoy just listening to the sound of the sea ((Not your gasping for breath then?)) Don’t ruin the scene I’ve created! Leaving there we head around to the next beach called Ouaisne Bay which I think is pronounced Way-neigh and then there is St Ouens which pronounced St Wans… I think that’s right! On this beach we stumble across the rocks and climb the steps to make it to Portelet common. I take some videos and pictures to help me visualise the final scene. ((Make sure you don’t fall off. It might make you infamous but no good to anyone as you haven’t finished the book yet!!)) I must admit when I was clinging onto a rock I did worry about falling off! This has been really useful and once down it’s on to find a place to eat the butties.

In the afternoon we find the Green Lanes on the island. They are roads where cars have to stick to a 15mph speed and horses, cyclists and walkers have right of way – what a great idea. So many lanes we weaved about and it’s a part of Jersey I’ve never been to before. I normally only come for a few days at the end of June for mine and my friends birthday who lives over here so we don’t get chance to do loads of things ((That’s because you’re usually in the Royal Yacht drinking fizz on the balcony or in the spa!)) Well it is our birthdays.

As we’ve only eaten out once we decide to treat ourselves to fish and chips, it was well worth the wait and we are suitably full as we take the car back into the carpark for the night and head back to the apartment. Jersey really is such a stunning Island and well worth a visit if you get the opportunity.

I’ve got loads of work now to do on the book and so when I get home it’s going to be a good few day of head down and crack on. Since it looks like it’s not going above freezing and -5 some days the marina will no doubt be frozen and so it will be a perfect hiding inside the boat few days ahead of getting stuck in and getting the boat DIY jobs done before we leave the marina.

Day done. x

Saturday 13th January Day 175

It’s up early as we have to return the car by 10 am and need to drive to the airport. We collect the car from the carpark and then head to St Brelades Bay which is yet another stunning beach in Jersey. It’s one I often come to with my friends but it’s normally sunny, unlike the frosty cold morning today but it’s still beautiful. Winter can be such a hard season people who suffer from SAD and struggle with the darker nights. I find them difficult sometimes but winter is too long and I’ve tried over the years to embrace it and enjoy the cosy side of being indoors. Chris finds it a lot harder than me ((That’s because he’s stuck inside with you more! Poor bloke)) I always have something to do and I’ve said before although love getting out and about I’m a home body at heart so give me a jigsaw, a book, writing, vlogging, blogging, freelance work, it’s why I take all these things on, because I like to be busy.

Anyway, car returned and again so easy. Then we wait and catch the double decker bus from the airport back to St Aubins bay and a walk back from there. It’s a very bracing cold morning but exhilarating to be walking on the beach and finally we are back to the apartment for some writing for me and there may or may not have been a powernap involved before heading for our first visit to the pub as we meet some of my Jersey pals for a good old chin wag and I tap them for information as they have all done the Jersey Itex Island Walk ((Oh right, I understand. Even trying to pretend that going to the pub is actually work. I do not believe you)) After a pleasant few hours we grab some noodles for tea and that’s yet another day done and we are coming to the end of our Jersey adventure. Day done. x

Sunday 14th January Day 176

We decide a walk over the sea pathway to Elizabeth Castle is in order since it’s something we haven’t done yet so we have lunch and then walk over when the tide has revealed enough of the path for it to be safe. There is something exciting about walking on a pathway which in a few hours time will be covered by the sea again. Some of the sand is really soft as we decide to walk around the outskirts of the castle, over the rocks, pebbles and shells to the Hermit House, again a video of this will be coming out soon. We spot what looks like an allotment area with a little shed on it so I’m presuming the sea doesn’t make it that far up the walls – or maybe only in bad weather.

We are both knackered when we get back so chill out watching some TV. Chris makes a Sunday dinner and then I do some faffing with the book before checking that everything is in order for our flight tomorrow and then travel back to the marina on Tuesday and thoughts go back to boat life and if the boat will be okay after so long.

OMG I’ve just been looking at the planner for the train on if I didn’t have a ticket for this journey which we booked in advance and it would be £235 pounds! What? I paid £21 for these tickets. Honestly the UK’s transport is a joke and that’s not even for first class.

Right, that’s it for this week as it is currently 12.17pm on Sunday 21st January and this blog is supposed to go out at 12.30pm! nothing like cutting it fine but I’ve been working none stop on the book since I got back and I wasn’t well this morning so I’m behind with everything. So, I hope you have a good week ahead if you’re reading this weekly and ‘see’ you tomorrow if you’re reading it daily. Don’t forget the latest vlog will be alive on YouTube. It’s started slowing down with new subscribers so if you haven’t subscribed or liked any vlogs that would be fab.

Thank you and day/week done! Xx

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