Anxiety, diy

Frustrating wi-fi problems! Send help. Day 187

Thursday 25th January Day 187

In between cracking on with the boat jobs and resting I attempt to upload the vlog again to my Patreon account but that fails again. I finally manage to get it to upload to YouTube but it takes four hours. ((Soul destroying Peachy!)) I know, boat life for you. We did have a Sim card in the router but the price has increased from £10 to £25 per month as we had an offer so we we’ve had to cancel that. I’m going to try and either go to the farmshop coffee shop ((Of course you are)) or put my sim in the router when I need to upload and download videos. I need to sort the videos from Jersey and the boat renovations so need a good signal otherwise it will take forever.

We are getting itchy feet now ((OH for God’s sake not another thing wrong with you!)) Not like that, it’s a metaphorical statement – I think, is the right word? ((I don’t know, you’re the author!)) I mean in the sense we are feeling like we want to cruise. We can leave the marina, well other than when we have been frozen in for a few days and then come back as we are paid up until the end February. The main issue with marina life is that the view out of the windows is just another boat. Obviously on the stern and bow you have a bit of a different view out but it’s cold sitting out there unless it’s a sunny day of course. We are planning to go out for a couple of days as soon as the weather is right so we can finish the grinding on the bow ((Oi, oi!)) come on now Brackets, you know I mean angle grinding. If you remember we cannot use noisy tools in the marina so we need to get this job done before we can finish the painting done and we want to paint the bow and stern before we leave so the paint has a good few weeks to set properly before it has us walking on it and ropes pulling against it.

After more jobs done it’s time to get everything out of the bedroom so we have somewhere to sleep. Day done. X

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