canallife, cruising, Motivation, narrowboats, offgrid, youtube

Narrowboat, author and YouTube adventures… Mon 15th – Sun 21st April / Day 268 – 274

Monday 15th April Day 268

We wake up to ferocious weather as the promised wind and rain arrives but it’s interspersed with blue skies and sunshine as is usual for this time of year.

I make the most of an inside morning and crack on with freelance work as well as getting some washing done and then later on; we wander into Warwick again as the clouds part to collect an Amazon order which doesn’t go to plan as they have no record of it being delivered but they have the parcel in the shop. A quick phone call and off we go with our parcels into the now torrential rain – we’ve ordered some blacking for the boat ((If you didn’t keep bashing into things or were actually prepared you wouldn’t need to touch up the paint on the boat!)) It’s impossible not bash things when you have a narrowboat – might as well just accept it and touch up the paint when required.

I also sneak in some reading in the afternoon – I had to confess that I was way behind with my pals ((Janice Frost. Detail, Peachy, detail!)) published books and so have been binge reading the series to catch up to her new book. Please do take a look – absolutely fantastic for those who love crime books and set in Lincoln!

Tuesday 16th April Day 269

Today is the day we leave the Saltisford arm – I feel like we could stay here forever. What a wonderful place. Everyone is so friendly and it’s a short walk into beautiful Warwick – we did ask about a winter mooring but unfortunately they only offer 5 months moorings which is a little too long for us but we are going to keep in touch with them, as you never know how things might change and we would happily spend five months here once we have cruised a bit more of the system.

I got chatting to some of the staff there and it’s always weird when I get asked what I do, but I’m getting better at saying I’m an author and YouTuber! Anyway, as I left, Maria said they were going to google me ((Oh dear!)) which they did and bought my fantasy books – thanks Maria if you’re reading this!

It’s still a bit windy as we leave but Chris turns the boat perfectly out and along the Grand Union and off we go again. Just a couple of locks to do today and the first one is in our favour so I hop ((Your hopping days are gone Peachy – more of a creaking step!)) off the boat and open the gates. There are some gorgeous little ducklings which wander up the path – it’s such a wonderful time of year. Chris then cruises the boat in and I tackle letting the water out. I’ve mentioned before these are double locks all the way to London now – which means you can fit in two narrowboats or one widebeam and the mechanisms are lot heavier and I feel like I’m winding the paddle for about 2 hours! ((need to build those muscles Peachy – you’re are set at a default setting for lifting a wine glass!))

Luckily, another boat has just come up the canal so they leave the gate open on the next lock and we do the same and then we are soon through the locks for today. It’s a beautiful cruising day but we don’t go too far as we moor up on the other side of Warwick where there is a Tesco’s so we can stock up as we will be cruising into areas where big shops are not in easy walking distance.

We are treated to an absolutely amazing sunset to finish the day – pop over to Instagram if you want to have a look.

Cruising: 2 miles (2 miles again! Lazy!)) / 2 locks
London totals: Cruising: 72/198 Locks: 76/174  Tunnels : 4 (not sure how many to London!)

Wednesday 17th April Day 270

We moored up on the other side of Warwick which is just near Tesco’s so it’s nice and convenient for stocking up. ((Not far to travel with the wine and beer Peachy means!))  We go for a lovely walk along the river and spot a heron eating the biggest fish I’ve ever seen! This walk is right near where the boat is moored and before long we arrive at an amazing view of Warwick castle – stunning.

In the afternoon I’m busily working at the dinette when I hear Chris chatting to someone and next minute there’s a strange pair of legs walking across the stern and then along the gunnel. ((I’m saying nothing!))

It turns out a couple have a cruiser boat which needs rather a lot of work and doesn’t have a working engine at the moment but they have been told they have to move by CRT. By the rules on the canals you can only stay at a location for a certain amount of time unless you have a private mooring or an official Canal and River Trust permanent mooring but as they didn’t have a working engine they were a bit stuck. So Chris helped them to pull the boat across and around our boat so they can moor further up. They compliment our boat which is very nice and we also get another compliment about the look of the boat so all this work must be paying off.

Thursday 18th April Day 271

It’s time to leave Warwick now and we will miss this area. It’s beautiful and well worth spending time here either on your boat or staying over somewhere. The walk up to the Warwick castle along the river yesterday was stunning.

It’s a busy old day today as we cruise from Bridge 46 near Tesco which means doing a set of five locks before mooring up. We head into the first one with a couple and have a good old natter. Turns out they have cruised pretty much everywhere and they give us some great advice on doing the Thames stretch. It’s really has put our mind at rest about what we are planning to do.

Basically, we have booked those mooring at Paddington Basin and then the London canal museum. We plan to chat to any other boaters and if they are doing the Thames we will tag along with them if the weather looks good. We do not want to attempt the Thames in windy or wet weather. If not, we explore some more areas around London and crank it as soon as the weather looks good.

We moor up for lunch after the fifth lock of the day and so do the couple on the other boat. Then we all crank it to the next set of locks at Bascote which involve the staircase locks. I think I do a pretty poor job of describing how they work on the vlog ((Really? Like anyone is surprised!)) anyway, with great team work between all the boaters we quickly get through the last 5 of the day and we cruise a little longer and moor up near the Two Boats pub – we last came here on a hire boat a good few years ago dreaming of owning our own boat and here we are lots. Lots of memories to enjoy and we treat ourselves to a little drink in the pub to celebrate.

Cruising: 7 miles/ 10 locks
London bound totals:79/198   Locks: 86/174  tunnels : 4 (not sure how many to London!)
Friday 19th April Day 272

I needed to crack on with some freelance work but my signal was awful so I had to set myself on the stern with my phone high up to try and get a signal which was just about good enough. A couple of hours later we set off to cruise and wow what a cruise!

The usual changeable weather and many layers required but no rain until we moored up thankfully ((You’re so jammy!)) but the shades were on most of the trip and what a treat to be back in this beautiful area with rolling fields and lambs dotted around the fields.

My shoulder is a little dodgy today so I end up sticking on one of the heat packs onto my shoulder to help as these are challenging locks. We do the first two locks and the angels arrive ((Oh God you didn’t fall in and bang your head did you??)) No! the lockies came to help as we got to the Stockton flight of 8. This made such a difference so I didn’t have to push my shoulder too much and Chris got off the boat to help as well. Fab team work and the Stockton flight were soon behind us.

We reminisce throughout about the time we hired a boat and how it feels to be back. We were going to stop at the pub but decide to crank it and soon arrive at the Calcutt Locks which were the first locks we ever did when we had our first hire boat and it was 40+ mph winds and driving, torrential rain – a bit like in Birmingham the other day but this was our first time. We’ve always said if we enjoyed it in those conditions, it was the life for us.

We thought about mooring up but decided to crank it and it was nice to be back and do the locks now we have such a lot of experience and these seem easy; the lock gates are heavy but with a smile on our faces we tackle these three and pass the hire boat firm here; it’s great to see the people all preparing for their holidays. Soon we arrive at Napton Junction and turn onto the Grand Union Canal to continue our journey to London. Last time we turned onto the Oxford and immediately got shouted at for going too fast! ((Oh how the tables have turned!)) I know! We try not to get grumpy with hire boaters there is a lot to learn!

Finally, we moor up as the lovely weather is on the turn and manage to get the covers up and snuggled in the boat updating this blog as the rain starts in earnest. Another day done and very good it was too!

Cruising: 6 miles/ 13 locks
London bound totals: Cruising: 85/198 Locks: 99/174 tunnels : 4 (not sure how many to London!)

Saturday 20th April Day 273

We cruised the very short distance to Braunston and moored up before the bridge but the boat was quite a way from the edge as there is a shelf running along the side but we didn’t want to go any further and risk not getting a mooring. We put the covers up, locked up and went for a walk; only to spot a better mooring just past the junction.

So, it was back to the boat and hope no-one steals the spot as there were lots of boaters out and about as this is a busy junction but it took us a total of fifteen minutes to get back, take down the covers, move the boat, moor up, put the covers up and then back out to the chandlery ((A shop where boaters buy things for their boat – bit like a B&Q for boaters!)) Then we walked into Braunston village to get some supplies and then back to the boat.

It’s a stunning area here as you climb the hill to the village and can see for miles! Wonderful. Back at the boat we decide to prep the roof as we are moored on the right side to get that side painted and finished as we picked up the rest of the things we needed with that Amazon order the other day.

Cruising: 2 miles
London bound totals: Cruising: 87/198 Locks: 99/174 Tunnels: 4 (not sure how many to London!)

Sunday 21st April Day 274

Well, what a charming start to the day as when Chris goes out to check the newly painted boat there has obviously been some very; shall we say ‘regular birds doing their thing’ and it’s covered in bird poo! Absolutely covered – I don’t know what the birds had been eating but they had obviously over eaten! So, first job of the day is cleaning that off ahead of getting stuck in and getting the last coat of paint on. Although we made add another coat of paint but we need to buy more paint. We also touch up the blacking ((where they have smashed their way around the network and scraped off paint!))

Nothing else to report today other than I knocked over a glass of wine and Chris set the teatowel on fire! ((I don’t know how you two manage. I really don’t!)) I thought bird bird was supposed to be good luck! We went for a little wander over the bridge at Braunston junction to enjoy the most amazing sunset. What a treat.

That’s another week done and we are making great headway towards London now! Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow or next week! x

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Power of Nature
Link here to buy from Amazon… Janice Frost’s latest Warwick and Bell book.

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