canallife, cruising, vlogger, Working from home

How many miles? Day 294

Saturday 11th May – Day 294

We decided to stay moored up in Berkhamstead as I had work to do and had a reasonable signal. I was interrupted numerous times with the swans and cygnets pecking the boat but it’s an interruption I don’t mind.

We also decided to clean the boat as I’ve been trying to get better at having breaks from my laptop so my eyes don’t shrivel up ((my tiny violin is playing only for you Peachy. It’s such a hard life you lead)) The boat soon gets messy when you’re cranking it with the windows and doors open.

 ((Wait a minute what do you mean Estimate on the miles to London tomorrow??)) 39 miles 38 locks – ((explain yourself peachy)) well, sometimes I’ve realised very recently, the canal planner isn’t 100% accurate ((Oh come on!)) yesterday we had tackled 14 locks in one day and the planner said 13! So it could be that the planner is slightly out but that’s also because you can only select certain locations close by where we are moored, so not always accurate so over time it has changed the distance and locks! ((Give me strength))

So, for now these are the updated mileage: So less miles but more locks. I did do a planner when we left the Ashby canal but hey ho. It’s a still a lot of miles and locks and not many left to do! You can see by the total that there as nearly as many miles as there are locks on this final run into London.

Estimate: London bound totals: cruising miles 137/175
Locks: 148/186 Tunnels: 6 Swing Bridge: 2

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