Anxiety, Motivation

Hormonal rage – Day 308

Saturday 25th May – Day 308

Today was a bit of ‘meh’ day. My hormones were kicking my ass. Goes to show it doesn’t matter how good your life is, when the bitching hormones decide they are going to make you stress and worry about everything there is very little even a stubborn Yorkshire Lass can do about them. Luckily, I’ve learned to just accept it is what it is and it will pass. So in the spirit of no-one being subject to death whilst i’m in a hormonal rage, I suggest Chris goes out for the day on his pushbike.

I think this is why we have made it nearly to 26 years. If he’d have stayed in I would have annoyed him ((How’s that different to any other day)) and he would have annoyed me for no reason other than raging peri-meri hormones so instead, he goes out an enjoys himself and I wallow in misery, ranting whilst I’m creating vlogs, writing my blog and editing my novel when I don’t feel like it, but it’s good to get the rants out. ((No-one feels sorry for you! Pull up your massive middle aged pants and just crack on!))

I manage to get my book finished and sent to my publisher, so all the big structural edits are done now so it’s just the final copy edits to do and then it should be ready to get the cover designed and the book ready for publication!

So, that’s day done in misery, in London, feeling sorry myself. I know it won’t last long. Tomorrow we are cruising the Camden locks and then onto the London Canal Museum for our two night mooring there. Although we realise that because it’s bank holiday the museum will be open which means we will have to move in the daytime so the trip boat can use the mooring so we decide to cancel and just have the one night tomorrow instead. Let’s see what happens tomorrow! Day done and it can do one!

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