coffee, cruising, narrowboats

Journey to Limehouse basin – Day 315

Saturday 1st June - Day 315 We are rudely woken, well I wasn’t as I was awake at 6am creating vlogs, by another boater cruising past, then revving the engine because they didn’t want to go through the tunnel and then reversing and bashing into our boat and Narrowboat Boo Boo. These things happen but… Continue reading Journey to Limehouse basin – Day 315

citywander, coffee, editing

Doing things which make you scared! Day 306

Thursday 23rd May – Day 306 I’ve received my Jersey book back from my publisher so have been working on some of the final edits today as we are aiming for a June publishing date ((That’s only so you can go to Jersey – working!)) So, I spend the morning editing and then we head… Continue reading Doing things which make you scared! Day 306

authorlife, coffee, cruising

Time to leave… Day 269

Tuesday 16th April Day 269 Today is the day we leave the Saltisford arm – I feel like we could stay here forever. What a wonderful place. Everyone is so friendly and it’s a short walk into beautiful Warwick – we did ask about a winter mooring but unfortunately they only offer 5 months moorings… Continue reading Time to leave… Day 269

canallife, coffee, freelance, Friendship, youtube

Friends, cake and racing… Day 246

Sunday 24th March Day 246 It’s a beautiful sunny morning so we got stuck into cleaning the boat and even cleaning the oven ((What do you want? A medal?)) and the windows as due to the muddy tow paths and the ropes which dangle on them in the process of mooring up, they are a… Continue reading Friends, cake and racing… Day 246