citywander, coffee, editing

Doing things which make you scared! Day 306

Thursday 23rd May – Day 306 I’ve received my Jersey book back from my publisher so have been working on some of the final edits today as we are aiming for a June publishing date ((That’s only so you can go to Jersey – working!)) So, I spend the morning editing and then we head… Continue reading Doing things which make you scared! Day 306

beachlife, editing, jersey, walking, youtube

Carless again, beach walks and a trip to the pub…

Saturday 13th January Day 175 It’s up early as we have to return the car by 10 am and need to drive to the airport. We collect the car from the carpark and then head to St Brelades Bay which is yet another stunning beach in Jersey. It’s one I often come to with my… Continue reading Carless again, beach walks and a trip to the pub…

book, jersey, research, self doubt, Travel Journal, Travelling

It’s car hire and book research day in Jersey!

Finally, we get the car and are up early and to the bus station to catch the number 15 to the airport to collect the car. I don’t know about you but I love going on double decker buses. You can see so much ((You mean, nosey in peoples homes and gardens!)) What a journey… Continue reading It’s car hire and book research day in Jersey!

research, routine, writing, writing goals

SNOW DAY and my writing routine

Tuesday 9th January Day 171 This morning we wake up to snow and apparently, it’s been 10 years since Jersey had proper snow like this! ((It’s totally your fault Peachy!)) We are supposed to be collecting the hire car today but looking at the snow which has already settled and more to come, we decide… Continue reading SNOW DAY and my writing routine

Am writing, beachlife, blogger, editing, inspiration, jersey, mentalhealth, Motivation, publisher, reading, writing goals, youtube

Jersey adventures… Day 170 – 176 – Mon 8th Jan – Sun 14th Jan

I apologise if there are more mistakes than usual in this blog ((It's okay we are used to them!)). I've had to put my focus on finishing the mystery/thriller Jersey book so i'm a bit behind. It's 12.26pm and I'm just uploading now... hope i've not missed out any days! Enjoy... x