jersey, New Years Resolutions, research, writing

A long walk and more research…

Saturday 6th January Day 168 It’s a nice day today so it's a walk to St Aubins on the agenda, which takes us around the harbour and back with a stop for coffee and some homemade butties which help to keep the costs down! Some of the walk is on the promenade which follows the… Continue reading A long walk and more research…

beachlife, editing, exlporing, jersey

Exploring St Helier and progress on the book!

Saturday 30th December Day 161 After having a lay in we decide to have a wander around St helier which is the capital of Jersey and the main built-up area on the island so you have a main street with all the standard shops along it, although they have lost many of the high street… Continue reading Exploring St Helier and progress on the book!

ideas, london, social media

London to Jersey… the research trip is on…

Friday 29th December Day 160 We are up early ((I’m not surprised after being in bed at 8.30pm!)) and out wandering to find somewhere to stop for a breakfast before doing our usual in London which is just walking around and if we see something interesting then we head in that direction. It’s amazing how… Continue reading London to Jersey… the research trip is on…

Am writing, canallife, Characters, christmas, NaNoWriMo

Narrowboat adventures… Day 113 – 119 Mon 6th Nov – Sun 12th Nov

Monday 6th November – Day 113 This morning I cracked on with my novel as I really need to make some headway with the Jersey story. By the end of the day, I felt like I’d finally made some real progress. I’ve mentioned before that it’s very tricky when you’ve already written a story to… Continue reading Narrowboat adventures… Day 113 – 119 Mon 6th Nov – Sun 12th Nov