
Narrowboat, author and YouTube adventures. Day 296 to 302 – Mon 13th – Sun 19th May.

Monday 13th May – Day 296

It’s up early to cruise and we have welcome cloud for some of the way as we aim for Hemel Hempstead. It’s a long day, even though we don’t seem to travel very far but all the locks are difficult. Funny really, not so long ago we would have thought cruising 5 miles and doing 5 locks was a lot!

A woman whose boat had just left the lock with her partner at the tiller, waited and helped me reset the lock and Chris to go through, as there was a road swing bridge ahead which need a CRT key to operate and stop the traffic! I’ve not done one of these before and didn’t get chance to do this one as the chap on the boat set it so Chris left the lock and then cruised straight through, whilst I walked ahead and set the next lock for us all to go down so worked out well ((I cannot wait until you have to do one and stop traffic! It will probably end up on the news!))

I got to the point today where I was just had enough. I don’t like to point fingers at people but if one more dog owner lets it dog off its lead and shouts at it constantly ‘come back’ ‘don’t do that’ ‘come here’ ‘don’t attack that person/dog’ ‘come back’ ‘don’t wee on their ropes’ ‘come here’ and are so irresponsible to the point one dog attacked a goose and its chicks, I think I will scream! ((ideally at them!)) I just don’t get why you would let your dog off its lead if you cannot control it, especially on a narrow canal path where birds are nesting and have chicks. ((I think you need a wine!)) I’m sure there are many dog owners who despair at this behaviour and the ones who turn a blind eye to their dogs crapping all over the place but I have to say from what I’ve witnessed to date on the canals, it’s the very small majority who are responsible! ((Are you done?)) yes.

Anyway, at the end of the long day when I nearly shouted at a woman who was sitting on a lock gate with her dog, which was clearly terrified of the sounds of the locks. Not sure if she was doing some immersion therapy with it. We finally moored up in Hemel Hempstead and as I was pulling the ropes in a family walked past and there was a little boy, maybe about 2 and a half and he was as tired as me but he looked at me and I smiled, I think he recognised a fellow tired human being and gave me the biggest smile and then proceeded to toddle very slowly up the canal path with his mum encouraging him to move quicker and kept turning around and giving the biggest grins and shouting ‘bye’ and waving his cute little hand and it brought me out of my grumpy mood  a little.

Day well and truly done. Me done. Rant done.

Miles: 5 Locks: 5 Swing Bridge: 1 (Berkhamsted to Apsley)
Estimate: London bound totals: cruising miles 142/175 (rather than 198) Locks: 153/176 Tunnels: 6 Swing Bridge: 3 ((these estimates might be subject to change. Never believe Peachy!))

Tuesday 14th May – Day 297

It was actually nice to wake up to heavy rain today ((WHAT!!)) I know, I’m not a sun worshiper, as I’ve said before, some sunshine with cloud and I’m happy but as we’ve had some super hot days, so it was welcome and there is nothing like laying in bed listening to the rain and knowing that the only thing I have to focus on is editing my book for the next three days which might be a bit of a tall order! We will see.

So, to explain the process ((Oh here Peachy goes)) my editor will read through my novel ((with a bottle of vodka at the ready. Get out her big red pen and slash the pages!)) then return to me for the structural and the standard edits like punctuation/grammar etc ((Your poor, poor editor)) this is using a word document. I then read through all the comments and shout NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and then get to work. So, today I worked through to accept the changes and made the easy amendments. Some have be changed as part of a full read through for consistency. By lunchtime these are completed so I send these back to my editor to check and accept and then it will be returned to me for the full edit.

Whilst waiting for these to come back we do some faffing and cleaning on the boat and then I do some jigsawing and more faffing as well as a bit of a walk and try and steer clear of my laptop as editing is pretty intense on the eyes.

For anyone who reads this blog, they will know I’d had enough of this writing this book in January when I went to Jersey to finish the novel. This one has been hard, mainly because it started life as a short story, then it was going to be novella length and then novel so lots of changes were needed to warrant it being increased in word count and to make every word count! I think we have done it justice but we will see!

Day done.

Wednesday 15th May – Day 298

We need to cruise today and my editor is still working on the edits ((probably have it back to you next year, after they have been to see their therapist and chiropractor due to having a dodgy neck from shaking their head at all the mistakes!)) so it makes sense to cruise whilst we can.

Today we leave Apsley and head to Watford and what a revelation Watford will be! It’s a busy old day as we cruise for five miles and a lot of locks ticked off the as we tackle 12 today. Some of them are very hard and nearly defeat my Yorkshire muscles but we get it done in the end.

Our cruising conversations are obviously turning to our run into London and how nice it is. I don’t really know what we expected but it’s a lot nicer than we imagined. Funny how you get an idea of place by only visiting by road or train. If you think there are no green areas in the UK, then get yourself down to the canals. I know there is issues with water companies dumping waste into the canals and rivers which we have first hand knowledge of how disgusting it is and the health implications for us and animals. Obviously, I cannot judge other years but the wildlife seems to be thriving on the canals.

Once we moor up the book has arrived back into my inbox and it’s time for the big edit! This means reading approx. 73,000 words and editing what’s required as well as tackling the approximately 50 plot/structure/consistency/anything else issues along the way! Wish me luck. Day done. 

Miles: 5 Locks: 12 – Apsley to Watford
Estimate: London bound totals: cruising miles 147/175 Locks: 165/176 Tunnels: 6 Swing Bridge: 3

Thursday 16th May – Day 299

Again, we started with rain today which was fine as we have decided to stay put in the beautiful mooring just past Iron Bridge Lock in Watford. We are opposite a beautiful park with lovely woods to one side.

As the rain clears and the sun starts to shine again, I crack on with my novel. I wasn’t sure at the beginning of the day but at 9.30pm after a few little wanders around the park and to the shop to have some all important breaks from the laptop it’s done!

It will still need at least another edit for me to accept any changes and tweak some more. There has been quite a bit of faffing with some of the story threads which means then having to make sure all that is changed throughout the book but I’m happy with end result.

Depending on my editor’s workload I’m hoping that the book will get published some time in June. The Island Walk which the book is based on takes place on the 15th June this year and it would be nice if it could be ready for then. I’m hoping to go to Jersey towards the end of June as I normally visit for my birthday and we might be able to organise some book related events. We will see! It’s all been a bit delayed as we were hoping to start the promotion in March but these things happen in publishing!

What’s next I hear you cry ((I don’t think you do!)) the canal book which this very blog will be used to create ((Oh that’s going to the new number one sleep aid – good call Peachy!)) Rude! It will be a highly edited version of this blog adventure with some history thrown in and anything I’ve forgotten to include in the blog! I’ve already started on editing the canal book but we are hopefully planning that as we are in Paddington Basin and not moving for more or less a week we can get some the historical parts added.

I think I’ve set a goal of roughly around October for this but I am thinking about some kind of crowdfunding for it ((I’ll give you a tenner not to publish it)) something along the lines of pay £10 and as part of that you receive one of the first signed copies with a bookmark or something like that. I need to work out my costs of having it edited, cover created and the ordering the books as ideally this would help me cover the costs of producing the book but people also get something for donating. What does everyone think? Is £10 too much/too little? Good idea? Bad idea?

Oh, just before I go! Once the Jersey and Canal book are done I WILL be starting be giving my full focus to the psychological thriller series which I started writing in 2018! I am thinking about submitting this to some publishers again as I hope it will be in a much better state when I’ve finished editing it ((AGAIN! How many times!)) I know, it’s been a series long in the making that is for sure. I’m not taking on any other writing projects after the Jersey and canal book are done. The series are going to my full focus for the next few years. I gave myself 10 years to make it as an author and by that I mean earning an income from my writing and i’m a long way off!

Along with short stories, stories in novels with my writing group and novels I’ve published fourteen books on various subjects. Which will be 16 with two this year so I hope I’ve learned enough of the craft to finally do the thriller series justice! ((You wouldn’t think so reading this blog!)) Well, we all know this is my unedited ramblings. It’s not gone through rigorous editing with a fine tooth comb, it’s come out of my head and onto the screen. ((that’s quite worrying!))

Right, that’s it. Going to celebrate with a glass of wine now the book has been returned. It’s been nice to give a writing update. What with the narrowboat adventure I haven’t done one for a while.

Thanks to everyone who has stuck by me reading the blog. Day done.

Friday 17th May – Day 300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, blink and you miss it! It’s the 300th day since we left Kings Marina on our adventure! It’s gone so quickly I don’t even know where to start ((At the beginning is the best way – and you want us to believe you’ve learnt anything about this writing malarky!))

The day started off well, as my cousin bought me a few coffees using the buymeacoffee link which was very kind of her and nice to know it’s working after that little blip. Thanks Wanda! ((She’s your favourite cousin)) Shhh, don’t say anything in the case the others are reading this! As you know we have already booked our winter mooring and it means we will be closer to my cousin for a few months, so it will be lovely to spend time with her and the rest of the family.

Okay, what happened today ((Peachy you’re writing this on Sunday 19th May, literally not even two days after Friday happened.)) I know, I’ve been a bit lax with the blog what with everything else and it’s hard when you travel around more or less everyday and see new things – the places all merge into one!

It’s a lovely cruise today ((Peachy just checked her video footage!)) the sun is out but so is the cloud, so it’s a perfect cruising day. Doing the locks, sometimes it’s nice to do them yourself and take it slow ((Do you have another speed?)) and wander around looking at things and taking your time and sometimes it’s nice to share locks and have a natter.

I was up early as is standard nowadays to get some freelance work done after having three days off but I was impressed with only 31 emails, so get stuck into some of them and my other jobs before we set off.

It was a lovely countryside journey down the Grand Union and that’s why I try not to work inside the boat when cruising as I don’t want to miss the amazing views. There are so many baby birds its wonderful to watch them, some are only days old. We also cruise past some amazing properties which I’m not sure a small lottery win would even cover the cost of buying! Stunning.

We find a lovely little mooring at a place called Copper Lock and as the sun is shining and we didn’t get chance to celebrate my book properly last night as Chris was in bed when I’d finished it, we set up the stern and watch the coots and swans marching their babies around the canal and a boat yard just near by setting up. I think they must be taking their boat to the boat festival we past in Rickmansworth which looked like it was going to be great event. We moored there just to use the Tesco and have lunch but there were boats everywhere. Bit of a shock when generally you don’t see many boats on a cruise.

It’s day done and tomorrow our final locks of this epic journey to London and then we have to come up with a plan for what’s next and doing the Thames!! ((I’m staying in the boat for that one!)) You and me both Brackets!

Miles: 5 Locks:  6 Apsley to Uxbridge
Estimate: London bound totals: cruising miles 152/175 ish Locks: 171/176 Tunnels: 6 Swing Bridge: 3 ((wait the estimates have changed again!)) I know I’ve don’t know what’s happened really! I think I’ve been given false information but then again, it’s still a lot of locks!

Saturday 18th May – Day 301

Well, today marks our real adventure into London as we do the last five locks ((of the not so well estimated miles and locks to London)) Hey, it was difficult to work out because we had a diversion due to the landslip and the canal planner isn’t always 100% accurate.

We moored near Copper Lock which is another beautiful lock and I heard my first owl in a long time. We seem to be very lucky with our moorings and how quiet they are.

Last lock on the London trip is Cowley lock and we pass Cowley/Peachey junction! ((WOW they named a junction after you already?? Although they did spell your name wrong!)) We decided to set off early but there were scouts having a trip out so they were learning how to do the locks and then through they went and it was out of the lock and straight onto the water point for us, which was luckily empty.

Quick update today as we were enjoying the cruise and generally chatting to people. Just before Cowley lock we stopped to empty the Elsan which was right next to a pub! I do wonder at the locations of some of these but grateful to have them. I wandered to the lock and helped a guy through the lock and he said London mooring was evil so we did well booking the Paddington Basin ones.

It certainly feels different now cruising into London as there are lots more widebeams and house boats but still lots of countryside. I’m pretty sure lots more happened today but i think i have blog tiredness and ready for some time away from my waffling! Day done. ((It’s okay Peachy you can add it into the canal book and wow people with the amazing things which happened…!))
But what a momentous day as we do the last lock until we do the famous Camden Lock and the start of the next part of the adventure!

Miles: 8 Locks: 5 (last lock Cowley lock)
Estimate: London bound totals: cruising miles 160/175 ish Locks: 176/176 Tunnels: 6 Swing Bridge: 3

Sunday 19th May – Day 302

We have approximately 15 miles left of this wonderful trip from the end of the Ashby to Paddington Basin in London! What an adventure it has been! Roughly 176 locks, 6 tunnels, 3 swing bridges and around 175 miles! We know need to look what we are going to do next!

I’m so confused ((what’s new!)) I think I’m ready for a break from writing my blog ((You’re repeating yourself!)) and it’s Tuesday morning and I have no idea what happened today. Which part of the canal we were on or what’s happening! I will have to ask Chris or consult my photos!

The problem is that when cruising each day, places do blend into one and I often think something happened a week ago only to realise it was that morning. I think this stems from the fact I’ve been trying to catch up with vlogs again and I have totally confused myself where we are lol.

Right, I’ve looked at my pics! We moored at a place which was near an amazing area where they used to make bricks and transport them on canal boats. Really fascinating history of the place. It’s now an industrial park but has been developed very well and lots of green spaces and lovely towpath.

As we spotted the mooring it was difficult to get the boat into the side as there was a shelf stopping us. This guy was whizzing past on his electric bike and he jumped off and pulled the rope with Chris to bring the boat in! what a legend. I don’t think he spoke any English but through smiles, thumbs up we managed to thank him – what a nice guy to stop and help.

It’s approx. 8 miles to do tomorrow with a stop at the services in Little Venice to try and get everything done before our 6 days moored in Paddington basin as they don’t have any facilities there.

Miles: 7
Estimate: London bound totals: cruising miles 167/175 ish Locks: 176/176 Tunnels: 6 Swing Bridge: 3

2 thoughts on “Narrowboat, author and YouTube adventures. Day 296 to 302 – Mon 13th – Sun 19th May.”

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