beachlife, editing, jersey, walking, youtube

Carless again, beach walks and a trip to the pub…

Saturday 13th January Day 175 It’s up early as we have to return the car by 10 am and need to drive to the airport. We collect the car from the carpark and then head to St Brelades Bay which is yet another stunning beach in Jersey. It’s one I often come to with my… Continue reading Carless again, beach walks and a trip to the pub…

Am writing, beachlife, blogger, editing, inspiration, jersey, mentalhealth, Motivation, publisher, reading, writing goals, youtube

Jersey adventures… Day 170 – 176 – Mon 8th Jan – Sun 14th Jan

I apologise if there are more mistakes than usual in this blog ((It's okay we are used to them!)). I've had to put my focus on finishing the mystery/thriller Jersey book so i'm a bit behind. It's 12.26pm and I'm just uploading now... hope i've not missed out any days! Enjoy... x

Am writing, beachlife, book, Characters, editing, jersey, mentalhealth, website, writing goals, youtube

Narrowboat adventures and a research trip… Day 163 – 169 / Mon 1st Jan – Sun 7th Jan

The writer reflects on a research trip to Jersey, detailing daily activities and struggles with writing. Despite distractions and physical pain, she gathers inspiration and notes while exploring real-life locations for her book. The trip involves spa visits, book reading challenges, and island tours, providing valuable material for her work.

beachlife, editing, exlporing, jersey

Exploring St Helier and progress on the book!

Saturday 30th December Day 161 After having a lay in we decide to have a wander around St helier which is the capital of Jersey and the main built-up area on the island so you have a main street with all the standard shops along it, although they have lost many of the high street… Continue reading Exploring St Helier and progress on the book!