canallife, NaNoWriMo, narrowboats, tinyliving

It’s a long cruise today…

Tuesday 21st November Day 122((before Peachy starts this will be a long blog so I suggest you make yourself a Bailey with ice and settle down)) Today we are ready to cruise. It’s funny how we are getting the ‘feeling’ to move. We absolutely loved mooring up in Stone, it’s a really lovely market town… Continue reading It’s a long cruise today…

Am writing, canallife, Characters, christmas, NaNoWriMo

Narrowboat adventures… Day 113 – 119 Mon 6th Nov – Sun 12th Nov

Monday 6th November – Day 113 This morning I cracked on with my novel as I really need to make some headway with the Jersey story. By the end of the day, I felt like I’d finally made some real progress. I’ve mentioned before that it’s very tricky when you’ve already written a story to… Continue reading Narrowboat adventures… Day 113 – 119 Mon 6th Nov – Sun 12th Nov

canal, NaNoWriMo, writing goals

It’s NaNoWriMo Time!

Wednesday 1st November - Day 108 ((Pinch punch first day of the month and no return!)) Damn it! I got Chris this morning so I’m not too mad you got me! The change of clocks is still affecting us so we are awake at 6.30am and I get the coffee on. Checking the bowls, it… Continue reading It’s NaNoWriMo Time!

canallife, NaNoWriMo, narrowboats, Uncategorized

Getting post on the boat, leaky windows & how much did our narrowboat cost?

We um and ah for a while but in the end decide to stay put. On this stretch the boat services are very close together and then it’s a long stretch without them to Great Haywood so it makes sense. I have the last few days of vlogs to catch up on and this blog… Continue reading Getting post on the boat, leaky windows & how much did our narrowboat cost?

amazon, boat, canallife, NaNoWriMo, narrowboats

Traffic jam on the canal!

Wednesday 25th October – Day 101 We leave Longford Lock and it’s a short cruise to Penkridge Lock and the services. We queue jump! Eekkk. It’s hard to tell on some of these lock landings as people do sneak in mooring at the end of them and so we thought the people were just moored… Continue reading Traffic jam on the canal!