offgrid, youtube

A little bit of a rant… Day 296

Monday 13th May - Day 296 It’s up early to cruise and we have welcome cloud for some of the way as we aim for Hemel Hempstead. It’s a long day, even though we don’t seem to travel very far but all the locks are difficult. Funny really, not so long ago we would have… Continue reading A little bit of a rant… Day 296

Anxiety, freelance, Lone Working, mentalhealth, Motivation, offgrid

How canal life changes my daily routines… Day 295

Sunday 12th May - Day 295 This life seems to lend itself to early to bed and early to rise which is the opposite of how I used to be, as I used to hate getting up early and love staying up late, but when you live so close to nature then you don’t have… Continue reading How canal life changes my daily routines… Day 295

canallife, cruising, Motivation, narrowboats, offgrid, youtube

Narrowboat, author and YouTube adventures… Mon 15th – Sun 21st April / Day 268 – 274

Monday 15th April Day 268 We wake up to ferocious weather as the promised wind and rain arrives but it’s interspersed with blue skies and sunshine as is usual for this time of year. I make the most of an inside morning and crack on with freelance work as well as getting some washing done… Continue reading Narrowboat, author and YouTube adventures… Mon 15th – Sun 21st April / Day 268 – 274

ebook, editing, freelance, Lone Working, Narrowboatinterior, offgrid, Patreon

A faffy day as the weather stops play. Day 259

Saturday 6th April Day 259 The promised high winds arrive and we brave a little walk up the towpath which are a little muddy and wet but not as bad as the Ashby or Coventry canal by any stretch. We walk to the marina which isn’t far away to check out the facilities so we… Continue reading A faffy day as the weather stops play. Day 259

boat, canallife, cruising, narrowboats, offgrid

Spring weather has arrived! Day 245

Saturday 23rd March Day 245 Rain. Sun. rain. Sun. sun. Hailing. Rain. Sun – oh yes folks, Spring has Sprung in the UK! We loiter around in the morning watching a bit of bike racing and I did some more editing on the canal book and then after lunch we decided to brave a cruise… Continue reading Spring weather has arrived! Day 245