coffee, cruising, narrowboats

Journey to Limehouse basin – Day 315

Saturday 1st June - Day 315 We are rudely woken, well I wasn’t as I was awake at 6am creating vlogs, by another boater cruising past, then revving the engine because they didn’t want to go through the tunnel and then reversing and bashing into our boat and Narrowboat Boo Boo. These things happen but… Continue reading Journey to Limehouse basin – Day 315

Anxiety, authorlife, cruising, Travelling, youtube

Narrowboat life, author and YouTube adventures. Day 289 – 295 / Mon 6th – Sun 12th May

Monday 6th May - Day 289 ((what kind of a title is that? Are you actually losing the plot?)) It's the last day with the car today and we are ready to cruise. It’s been really nice having a few days with only a little time on the laptop and my eyes feel better for… Continue reading Narrowboat life, author and YouTube adventures. Day 289 – 295 / Mon 6th – Sun 12th May

canal, riverlife, routine, youtube

Day Twenty Five – moving day – Saturday 12th August

It’s moving day today as we have used up our time on the pontoon and we are ready for a little cruise, even if it is just back to where we were on the two week moorings. We cruise out and moor up at the water point, fill up the tank on the boat and… Continue reading Day Twenty Five – moving day – Saturday 12th August

books, canal, Motivation

Day Eight – Stoke – Wednesday 26th July

We were up early and decided to seize the day as we needed some water, so we ((That royal ‘we’ again)) swung the boat out into the river and let the river’s flow gently take us back to the lock area where the water point is. We were surprised how well it worked and we… Continue reading Day Eight – Stoke – Wednesday 26th July