Am writing, blogger, book, writing, youtube

Day Twenty Seven – A little hiatus – Monday 14th August

We’ve woken up to another drizzly day but boat jobs wait for no-one and it’s off to the Elsan and to fill up with water to do some washing. Tomorrow I’m off to visit mum and go on holiday to the Isle of Man so Chris is boat alone, so the blog will be having… Continue reading Day Twenty Seven – A little hiatus – Monday 14th August

Anxiety, blogger, canallife

Day Twenty Two  – Floating Pontoon – Trent Lock – Wednesday 9th August

It’s up early and out with the morning traffic as we head back to Newark. It was a lovely peaceful night. We weren't sure what it will be like over the weekend with being so close to the pub, especially as we have finally been graced with some sunshine!It’s pleasant driving back, until some absolute… Continue reading Day Twenty Two  – Floating Pontoon – Trent Lock – Wednesday 9th August

Travelling, why-i-write, writing, youtube

Day Nineteen – Trent Lock – Sunday 6th August

It’s 19.28pm now and I’ve just realised I’ve missed writing up my blog for the last 4 days so now I’m going back to try to remember what happened. ((Oh dear, oh dear… I bet the last few blogs have been even worst drivel than usual! I thought you spent all these hours doing this… Continue reading Day Nineteen – Trent Lock – Sunday 6th August

books, canal, Motivation

Day Eight – Stoke – Wednesday 26th July

We were up early and decided to seize the day as we needed some water, so we ((That royal ‘we’ again)) swung the boat out into the river and let the river’s flow gently take us back to the lock area where the water point is. We were surprised how well it worked and we… Continue reading Day Eight – Stoke – Wednesday 26th July