publisher, self-published

Time to have a bit of a rethink… Day 312

Wednesday 29th May - Day 312 We cruise for a few hours today as we make our way up the Paddington Arm towards the marina and it really is a lovely stretch of canal. There really isn’t much to report as it’s a bit like groundhog day as we cruise, I work and then we… Continue reading Time to have a bit of a rethink… Day 312

canallife, self-published, Uncategorized

Money, business and laundry ((But not money laundering!))

Wednesday 10th January Day 172 The snow has more or less disappeared now so we book the car hire for tomorrow with fingers crossed the weather will be kind. The sun is shining and we tackle the many steps up to Fort Regent which has amazing views of St Helier, Elizabeth Castle and St Aubins… Continue reading Money, business and laundry ((But not money laundering!))

amazon, book, ebook, publishing, self publishing, self-published, Uncategorized

My fantasy trilogy is complete… Title and Cover reveal!

Click here to buy from Amazon The day has finally come and my fantasy trilogy is complete with the publication of Battle – book 3 in the series and my 10th published story! I hope you love the covers as much as I do. They have been created by the wonderfully talented, Nat and Rachael… Continue reading My fantasy trilogy is complete… Title and Cover reveal!

book, editing, indieauthors, self publishing, self-published, Uncategorized, writing

The trials and tribulations of self publishing…

A question for the self-published folk of the world… do you more or less forget everything about the process each time you’re ready to upload to Amazon? (Or your preferred platform) ((No, Peachy. It’s just you being unorganised. You’re a writer, here’s a thought… why don’t you write it down? Give me strength!)) Good idea,… Continue reading The trials and tribulations of self publishing…

Anniversary, blogger, indieauthors, self-published, website

3-year anniversary of my writing blog/website.

I hope you are well and for those of you based in the UK, I don’t know about you, but I feel hope is starting to creep into the days ahead. The bright blue skies and sunshine over the past few days have really helped. This month’s blog is celebrating my 3-year WordPress anniversary! ((Happy… Continue reading 3-year anniversary of my writing blog/website.